cognitive dissonance addiction

Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction Behaviors Elevate Addiction Services

cognitive dissonance addiction

Tim also spent several years as CEO to Eric Clapton’s facility in the Caribbean, Crossroads of Antigua. Cognitive dissonance is the fundamental coping mechanism that people abusing drugs use throughout their active addiction and can often follow them into recovery. The defense mechanisms that someone places around themselves to keep cognitive dissonance at bay need to be addressed to start the recovery process.

cognitive dissonance addiction

Addiction and Cognition

Second, a study found that users’ self-efficacy in managing information overload was negatively related to cognitive dissonance and positively related to continuous usage intention in social media platforms [65]. Moreover, Qaisar et al. [92] revealed that user addiction had a stronger negative effect on discontinuous usage intention among users with low self-efficacy towards mobile applications. In contrast, users with low self-efficacy are more susceptible to negative emotions and cognitive dissonance when using the platform, which can lead to discontinuous usage intention. The American social psychologist Festinger [38] proposed the Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT), which is based on Gestalt psychology, to analyze the psychological conflict before decision-making and the discomfort afterward. Cognitive and behavioral inconsistencies produce cognitive dissonance and emotional adjustment needs to achieve equilibrium [39].

  • Their research helps us understand the connections between our thinking, our behavior, and our emotions.
  • It is crucial for specialists to comprehend the role of cognitive dissonance in addiction perception in order to effectively treat their clients.
  • Information overload on pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform has a positive influence on users’ cognitive dissonance.
  • Future research could investigate these factors to gain a more comprehensive understanding of discontinuous usage intentions.
  • The cognitive dissonance is effectively wiped clean by changing how they feel towards their addiction.

Neuroplasticity and Addiction: Rewiring the Brain for Recovery

The relationship between Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction is an emerging topic of fascination, particularly for addiction specialists who perhaps are seeking new ways to treat clients (it’s also helpful for those in addiction recovery). When you discover new information and you’re faced with the uncomfortable decision to … well, make decisions, embrace a positive outlook. Sometimes, when you’re faced with difficult decisions in the moment, it’s best to take a break and revisit it later when all parties have processed what’s happened.

cognitive dissonance addiction

Dissonance-Based Therapy

cognitive dissonance addiction

When it comes to addiction, and other potentially harmful behaviors, cognitive dissonance can keep us trapped in denial, unable to change destructive behaviors. Increasing our awareness about what we believe, think, and do is the first step to making the changes we want to make. You also tell yourself that people really exaggerate how dangerous smoking is.  After all, you know people who smoke who have lived very long lives. Then, of course, you tell yourself that if you quit smoking, you might gain weight, which is also bad for your health. Cognitive dissonance is the tension that arises when there is a conflict between a belief and a desire or behavior. It occurs when individuals hold opposing beliefs and experience psychological stress as a result.

  • Second, the study used a cross-sectional survey design with a single source of data, which limits the ability to establish causality and the changes in discontinuous usage intentions over time.
  • For example, gradual exposure therapy, which involves incrementally increasing an individual’s contact with the feared situation, could be used to intervene on nomophobia by helping individuals to confront their anxiety in a controlled and supportive manner.
  • It’s hard at first, but instead of feeling guilty when you see the gym keychain, you feel proud of yourself.

Cognitive behaviour therapy is a structured, time limited, psychological intervention that has is empirically supported across a wide variety of psychological disorders. CBT for addictive behaviours can be traced back to the application of learning theories in understanding addiction and subsequently to social cognitive theories. cognitive dissonance addiction The focus of CBT is manifold and the focus is on targeting maintaining factors of addictive behaviours and preventing relapse. Relapse prevention programmes are based on social cognitive and cognitive behavioural principles. More recent developments in the area of managing addictions include third wave behaviour therapies.

Modifying social and environmental antecedents and consequences another approach to working with addictive behaviours18. Therapeutic strategies such as contingency management, differential reinforcement of incompatible and alternate behaviours and rearrangement of environmental cues that set the occasion for addictive behaviour, including emotional triggers are used in this approach. Family members are counselled so as identify potential risk factors for relapse, such as emotional and behavioural changes.

Financial support and sponsorship

cognitive dissonance addiction

This study used Cronbach’s α coefficient to measure the consistency of the questionnaire as a pre-test reliability measure. The α coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, with a value greater than 0.7 indicating that it is trustworthy and a value greater than 0.9 representing very high trustworthiness. The composite reliability value represents the internal consistency of the construct indicators, and a value of 0.7 is acceptable [86], with a recommended value of 0.6 or higher [87]. Factor loading analysis measures the correlation between individual variables and factors.

Addicts are fully aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse but will find new and creative ways to justify their self-destructive behaviours. Seeking professional help for Cognitive Dissonance allows those with mental health conditions such as anger issues, personality disorders and addictions to make positive changes to their lifestyle, allowing them to move forward. When faced with conflict, you may experience cognitive dissonance if you make a decision to lessen potential conflict between you and other people, but it’s not necessarily a decision you fully believe in. When faced with a deadline, you could even cut corners to accomplish a task, but then experience discomfort when it’s done because you value hard work. You may also experience cognitive dissonance when you have situations where friends, family members or coworkers act a certain way that don’t align with your beliefs.

  • This reward was intended to thank the participants for their time and effort in completing the survey and to encourage them to answer each question truthfully and to the best of their ability.
  • Similarly, Yener et al. [100] found that self-efficacy helps mitigate the impact of information overload on job stress and job burnout among information workers.
  • It compares the average correlations between indicators of different constructs to the averages between indicators of the same construct.
  • The behavioral intention part of the framework refers to the likelihood of an individual engaging in a particular behavior, which in this study refers to stopping the use of the pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform.
  • The relationship between Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction is an emerging topic of fascination, particularly for addiction specialists who perhaps are seeking new ways to treat clients (it’s also helpful for those in addiction recovery).
  • The study’s findings add to the body of literature supporting this theory, particularly in the context of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms.
  • Each of the five stages that a person passes through are characterized as having specific behaviours and beliefs.

The effects of cognitive dissonance

Social psychologists have uncovered dozens of cognitive biases, such as self-serving bias, unconscious bias or implicit bias, confirmation bias, fundamental attribution error, and the sunk-cost fallacy. Since addiction creates a chemical dependency on a substance — whether it’s nicotine or sugar — this kind of dissonance can be hard to shake. When we say “yes” to a choice, whether it’s as small as what to order for lunch or as big as where to live, we have to say “no” to something else.

cognitive dissonance addiction

Cognitive behavioural interventions in addictive disorders PMC

cognitive dissonance addiction

The results of this study have practical implications for regulating user behavior and optimizing platform services. These platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing users with a convenient and engaging way to access a wide range of entertainment content and interact with other users in real time [24]. With the rise of smartphones and mobile Internet access, pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms have become accessible to a wide range of users and have the potential to revolutionize the way people consume and interact with entertainment content [25]. Prior cognitive dissonance addiction studies on pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms have focused on various aspects, such as user engagement [26], retention [27], broadcasting intention [28], gifting behavior [29], and comment motivation [30]. The these platforms have an impact on the entertainment industry, and these factors contribute to the success of these platforms [31,32]. While research has focused on the light side factors that influence user engagement and retention, the research on the dark side of discontinuous usage intention of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform users is in a research gap.

  • The mental state of cognitive dissonance can actually have a very powerful effect on our thoughts and behaviors.
  • Here’s a look at some everyday examples of cognitive dissonance and how you might come to terms with them.
  • She has a strong work ethic and it’s not unusual for her to be up at the facility at 2am or on the phone all night helping guide our staff on how to best manage whatever situations come up.
  • The alpha coefficients for the two dimensions, NA and SI, in this study were 0.86 and 0.71, respectively.
  • For example, turning pegs (as in Festinger’s experiment) is an artificial task that doesn’t happen in everyday life.
  • This is a difficult way of life to break out of, but we help our patients do it.

The relationship among type D personality, nomophobia, metacognitions about smartphone use and smartphone addiction

Over time, living out of integrity with our values begins to take its toll on our psychological well-being and mental health. This kind of incongruence — called cognitive dissonance — can cause some serious mental discomfort. That’s because if you’re not self-aware, cognitive dissonance can leave you acting and feeling pretty out of character. Cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling that can occur when you have conflicting beliefs, values, or behaviors. For example, the cognitive dissonance you might experience after choosing between two equally appealing options isn’t necessarily destructive unless you choose an option that will cause harm to yourself or someone else over an option that won’t.

What is the difference between cognitive dissonance theory and balance theory?

cognitive dissonance addiction

In contrast, the correlation between Type D personality and positive metacognition did not reach the significant level. (2) Compared with individuals with non-Type D personality, those with Type D personality scored significantly higher on nomophobia, negative metacognition, and smartphone addiction. (3) Nomophobia and metacognitions about smartphone use fully mediated the relationship between Type D personality and smartphone addiction. While the mediating effects of nomophobia and negative metacognition were significant, the mediating effect of positive metacognition was not significant. Cognitive dissonance has a positive influence on the discontinuous usage intention of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform users.

Neuroplasticity and Addiction: Rewiring the Brain for Recovery

  • Christina Kuzio has been a Registered Nurse for 39 years – the majority of those years working in a large South San Francisco Bay Emergency Room.
  • A reward system was implemented to incentivize the participants further to provide honest and thoughtful responses.
  • MET adopts several social cognitive as well as Rogerian principles in its approach and in keeping with the social cognitive theory, personal agency is emphasized.
  • Imagine, for a moment, the internal dialogue of someone grappling with addiction.
  • He reported difficulty sleeping if he did not drink, could not get past the day without drinking or thinking about his next drink (establishment of a dependence pattern).

The technique involves exposure to a hierarchy of cues, which signal craving and subsequently substance use. These are presented repeatedly without the previously learned pattern of drinking so as to lead to extinction. Despite work on cue reactivity, there is limited empirical support for the efficacy of cue exposure in recent literature14. As seen in Rajiv’s case illustration, internal (social anxiety, craving) and external cues (drinking partner, a favourite brand of drink) were identified as triggers for his craving.

cognitive dissonance addiction

The current study

  • Clinical and laboratory research has implicated pre-natal exposure to methamphetamine in both cognitive deficits and altered brain structure.
  • Self-efficacy has a moderating effect on the relationship between information overload and cognitive dissonance among users of the pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform.
  • It’s about finding the courage to face your reality head-on and make the changes necessary for a healthier, more fulfilling life.
  • Considering the inclination of individuals with Type D personalities to exhibit pessimistic tendencies and negative emotional states, coupled with a pervasively negative worldview [23, 92], it is imperative to delineate the roles of positive and negative metacognition.
  • Those with a clear justification ($20) for lying experienced no dissonance and, as one would expect, later reported that the task was really rather boring.
  • We know that deciding to go to rehab is tough, but we’re here to help you through every step of the way.

Overall, these measures were taken to ensure the data’s quality and accuracy and promote high participation rates. In this study, 425 questionnaires were collected from July to October 2022 through an online questionnaire platform (Questionnaire Star, a Chinese professional platform that provides service of online questionnaire survey), and 11 invalid questionnaires were excluded. A total of 15 questionnaires were excluded, and finally, 391 valid questionnaires were collected, with the effective rate of 92%.

Alcohol Abuse and Cognitive Dissonance

In order to explain this phenomenon, psychologist Leon Festinger presented the idea of cognitive dissonance. He explained that in order to maintain our sense of identity, we’re motivated to reduce inconsistencies in our self-image. Learning what cognitive dissonance is, why it’s so powerful, and how to manage it can put you back in the driver’s seat. We can all engage in habits that cause harm to ourselves or the world, and that can cause cognitive dissonance.

Social media bringing you down? 4 ways to protect your mental health

The mind’s battle against itself—a silent struggle that fuels the relentless grip of addiction, as cognitive dissonance weaves a tangled web of conflicting thoughts and behaviors. It’s a psychological tug-of-war that plays out in the shadows of our consciousness, often leaving those caught in its grasp feeling confused, frustrated, and utterly powerless. Cognitive dissonance can have many different causes, including addiction, a desire to meet the expectations of others, fear of change, and trauma. People with cognitive dissonance often try to resolve the feeling either by changing their behavior or beliefs or with other strategies like ignoring or justifying the contradiction.

cognitive dissonance addiction

How Attitude Change Takes Place

According to Beck et al., (2005), “A cognitive therapist could do hundreds of interventions with any patient at any given time”1). A careful functional analysis and identification of dysfunctional beliefs are important first steps in CBT. The hallmark of CBT is collaborative empiricism and describes the nature of therapeutic relationship. Training in assertiveness involves two steps, a minimal effective response and escalation. When the minimal effective response (such as informing friends that “I do not drink”) is not sufficient to bring about change, the individual is instructed to escalate to a stronger response, such as warning, threat, involving others’ support.

How To Resolve Cognitive Dissonance

cognitive dissonance addiction